llllllllllThere are two different theories regarding the causes of the French Revolution, including a Marxist theory in which tensions between the nobility and the bourgeoisie were leading factors of the Revolution, and a more accepted and modern Revisionist theory, in which tensions existed within each of the classes. Both theories involve conflicts in or among classes, while the Haitian Revolution was more as a result of racial tensions and class division within each of the races. The main groups of the Haitian Revolution for instance, as opposed to the groups of the French Revolution having only to do with wealth and feudality, were free blacks, slaves, and the white elite, all having to do with both race and class.
llllllllllEven though the Haitian Revolution had different divisions of groups than the divisions of the French Revolution, it was still driven by the same ideals as the French Revolution. For instance, the driving force for the slaves in Saint-Domingue was to achieve equality with the other classes; similar to the phrase of the driving force of the French Revolution of liberty, equality and fraternity. Yet another driving force inspired by the French Revolution exists for the white elite. In order to resist the gain of freedom of the slaves (and France's support of this), they strived for independence from France so that they could govern themselves and make their own laws regarding the rights and freedom of slaves. This is certainly inspired by the French Revolution, in which the people wanted to have the right to govern themselves instead of being controlled by a despotism. Do you agree that these ideals came as a result of the French Revolution? If the French Revolution had not occurred, where do you think that would leave Haiti in it's struggle with equality? Why?
llllllllllIn my opinion, I believe that if the Haitian Revolution did not have these ideals, and thus inspiration, from the French, the slaves might not have had the courage to revolt against the white elite, and Haiti might not have had the courage to stand up against France in it's battle against Napolean around 1803. As a result of both of these, legal equality was gained for all races, and Haiti gained independence from France.